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  • Developer: RealityPatch Studios

  • Release Date: (TBD)

  • Planned Platforms: PC, Playstation, Xbox

  • Price: $30 - Standard, Optional Bundles Available (More Details)

  • Planned Format: Digital Download

  • Language: English

  • Rating: E10+ for Everyone 10 and over

  • Press Contact:

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Embark on a new adventure in the land of Novus-Solum, where one man will lead the path of discovery and understanding about their world. As he leads his companions past the borders of their village territory, they will learn about the power of Will and Fear.

Discover the beginnings of a newly written series, yet to be seen unfold. Walk with those of a young civilization, sprouting into a new era, by embracing the mysteries and secrets that thrive amongst them. Strategize and make use of the studies collected, as you face threats from creatures never seen by Earth's surface.


"Fear is only a doorway, in which we hesitate to enter, and learn what is on the other side." -???(In-Game Character Quote)

What type of game is this? What makes this game unique compared to what is already in the market?


  • Animam-Link: Rise of Fears will be built as a Story-Rich RPG, with some similarities of other typical RPG types, while carrying some of its own unique blends that are both important to the story written and how the players will strategize against challenging threats.

  • Novus-Solum will be an Open-World 3D plane, filled with explored and unexplored terrains. The world will be filled with wildlife, both similar to our own, but with unique blends and qualities that make it Novus-Solum's own.

  • For AL's combat system, we at RealityPatch Studios have decided to bring back the enjoyment of the old style RPG turn based battles, while making some alterations to make it more unique to AL's theme. We have recently made the decision to change directions for our project and use Unreal Engine as our base developer software. We have taken our combat system to the next twist in Turn-Based Battle, and altered it with the use of Grid-Strategy battle. This will give AL's combat a challenging and engaging system for players to continue coming back and playing it in their own way.

  • Along with the engaging and exciting world discovery on Novus-Solum, we will be introducing elements designed to make changes to the world important to the theme of AL, and challenging the players to make decisions due to these elements. These elements will alter both the strategy of the game, as well as the visual appearance, as the story progresses.

  • With the young civilization of Novus-Solum, the discovery and exploration are not enough to immerse the players into the story alone. With this in mind, we have made the decision to include systems of Crafting and Trading, to give off the feeling that the world is still indeed young in development.

  • The story behind AL:RoF is as stated, a newly written series, written and directed by Steven Murray. This story has not yet been released to the public, and will unfold as the game series progresses. This will allow players to experience the story as it was intended.

  • Players will have the opportunity to choose between 4 main characters, and experience the story from their perspective. Though the game will allow players to make use of and direct the whole party included in the game; story specific pieces important to each character will create a further immersion into the world created. This will allow players to enjoy the experience, as well as open the way for further replay value.

Game Structure and Features

Animam-Link: Rise of Fears is meant to be an experience.

To immerse players into a Story-Rich RPG, we believe in creating features that will be both unique and applicable to the set theme.

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3D Open World

Freedom of Movement across Walkable planes


Trade-Based Economy

Unique Story-Based Economy revolving around item values and skills.


3D Turn-Based/Grid Battle Mechanics

Blending both classic RPG Turn-Based Combat with Grid Movement Strategy.


Gear Crafting

Material/Resource use for crafting to benefit for character use and economy trade.

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4-Character Party

4 Characters with 4 Important roles to benefit the strategy of combat.



Endless hours of play and story to immerse different types of players into the series.


In-Game Journal

Track player progress, with important information to strategize the way the players wants to play.

Game Structure and Features

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  • 3D Open World with Freedom of Movement across Walkable planes.

    • Story Important Boundaries will limit regions from the beginning, until players unlock all regions.​

    • 7 Regions, 6 Dungeons, 2 World Settings

      • With the changes in the Storyline creating changes​ in the Open World Setup, this creates 2 different experiences within the same map the players have explored.

      • This Open World Setting makes for a total of 14 Regions and 12 Dungeons.

  • 3D Turn-Based/Grid Movement Strategy Battle Mechanics.​

    • 4 Character Party System​

    • Grid-Based Battle Scenes

    • Combat Effecting Elements/Status Effects

      • Fear​

        • Each Combatant will have a Fear Gauge based off their unique stats. This Fear Gauge controls Damage, Will, and ability to React.​

        • The Element of Fear will also make perception changes throughout Story-Specific changes.

      • Will

        • Each Combatant will have a Will Gauge based off their unique stats. This Will Gauge controls the ability to use Special Attacks, Skills, and applies to the Battle Schematics for Fear Defense.​

      • Exhaust

      • Psych

      • Paralysis

      • Poison

      • Burn

      • Cold

      • Itch

  • 4 Playable Characters, 1 Playable Character Selection for Open World Movement, 4 Character Specific Storylines.​

    • Although the Game Structure is Designed for Players to use all 4 Playable Characters throughout the majority of the game; there are key moments in time that are specific to each character's storyline. The initial character selection will allow the players to experience the game with 4 different playthroughs with 4 different perspectives.​​

    • In the event a player feels compelled to enjoy the game from each perspective; a setup of 4 characters will increase replay ability as well as allowing players to make new decisions and strategies to complete the game.

  • Trade-Based Economy​

    • With the World of Novus-Solum being new to certain ways of living, we find it best to create an economy that is unique to the Story.​

    • Instead of Players going to a local shop or shopkeeper, they will get to experience a system of item value, and how they can use these values to make fair trades within the economy of their fellow villagers.

  • Gear Crafting​

    • With a village based off the structure of families with important skills, it is important for players to make use of each different crafting styles.

      • Armor/Clothing​

      • Weapons/Tools

      • Consumables

    • Each item crafted will also have an applied item value that is greater than the materials used due to the importance of item crafting within the village.​

  • Quests​

    • Main Quests​

      • All main quests will lead the players through the storyline in a direct path towards the end of the game. The game is designed to end once the main story has been completed.​

      • The main quests are important to access further into locked regions from the beginning. However, players should not feel rushed to complete the main quests right away, so they do not miss opportunities to experience special side quests that may or may not have special rewards.

    • Side Quests​

      • All side quests throughout the game will be opened as the main quests are completed. Once the main story is completed, all quests will not be available, as the game will end.​

      • Though the game will be made to be completable without optional side questing, it may be beneficial to seek out side quests that would improve your strategy in combat.

  • In-Game Journal

    • Throughout the progression of the story, your party will discover new creatures and new regions, filling your Progress Journal with every note helpful and interesting about the entries.

    • Players will be able to utilize this Progress Journal to look back on and strategize towards further progression.

    • This Journal will include details about each Region, Creature, Dungeon, Items, Craftables, etc.​​​

About Us

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Formed May 2022, we push to thrive beyond boundaries and bring content to make you dig deeper.

Our Mission: "Bring a Different Mindset to the Media!"


When the pandemic of Covid-19 ran across our broken world, that sick and sinking feeling swept along with it. Even in moments of hope and relief, for most, the feeling still sits there; leaving us with one question, "What will you do now?".

This question has left many fragile, unwilling, or unable to answer.


However, in these times, others have found the answer to push forward, and turn the new normal into new power.

In October 2021, Steven Murray (President and Founder), rose up to the very same question and challenged his group with the task to inspire.


Steven and Kenneth Murray (Co-Founder) take the lead to start the path of inspiration, bringing to life a series, and a plan to spread their content and imagination across the horizon.



Your life is your story. Whether you rise or fall, you'll never know what you can achieve if you don't take the first step forward.

RealityPatch Studios, LLC

Goldsboro, NC, USA

Meet the Team


Steven Murray

President/Founder/Lead Designer


Kenneth Murray

Officer/Co-Founder/Lead Artist


Asim Ishaq



Elizabeth Ishaq


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